GNLP Newsletter Please leave your email to receive our newsletter. Get our free report "10 Essential Things You Have To Know About Making Decisions" when you subscribe We value your privacy What do you want?![]() | MythoSelf Morphology 102In an ongoing process of exposing the morphology of the MythoSelf-tm* experience this is the second posting of two in a series. A young man in a yeshiva - a rabbinical college - was taking instruction from three different rabbis. Each one had a reputation as a scholar of some acclaim. A friend asked him what his thoughts were of each of his teachers. "Ah, the first is so very difficult. He is a bit disorganized and somewhat chaotic, although quite sequential and structured in his lectures. I understand what he has explained to us." "Now the second he is much more clever. His presentations clear and sound. He is obviously a man of great learning and much study. His lectures are extremely deep, I only understand part of what he has told us." "But, the third ... truly this one is brilliant. His wit is sparkling, his voice resonant and his talks with us flow from the heart. His words paint the teachings in forms beyond imagining. So articulate so clear ... and I didn't understand a word!" MythoSelf® Morphology 102As stated in the first posting in this series MythoSelf-tm Morphology 101 the MythoSelf-tm program is built around Roye Fraser's "Generative Imprint-tm" Model. This model was itself built around an application of the technology of NLP™ integrated with a deep hypnotic process for accessing the structure of an individual's organization to what Roye refers to as the "excitatory state." This is a position from which the system is open and ready to respond. I've also heard Roye refer to this position as the "Ready State." The opposite of this state would be an "inhibitory state" where the system is closed. This is another way of referring to the differences of position of the "excitatory" and the "inhibitory" states, one is an open state the other closed. The unique operating structure of the "Generative Imprint-tm" Model is organizing the system to the "excitatory" position at the start of the work to be done with a client. We have cross-mapped this fundamental premise to various applications in both personal and professional development. It could be said that this is a process of side-stepping the "problem (i.e.: inhibitory) state" going to where it isn't, then being there. What is then elicited is a trajectory along the excitatory. This is the trick of the method, organizing the experience along the trajectory of the excitatory. Gregory Bateson was fond of explaining the difference between non-living systems and living systems in the following way. He would say if you were to kick a rock you could predict exactly where the rock would fly and eventually land if you knew all the forces in play - speed, weight, angle, friction ... using standard calculations of physics. However, if you were to kick a dog you would likely get an unpredictable response. It could of course turn and bite the foot that kicked it, it could get up and run off, it could stand and hold its ground or it might just roll over to get it stomach rubbed if this were one of those particular dogs that liked getting kicked. This is a good illustration of what I refer to as "dynamical systems." These systems are constant in their change due to the interaction of the forces and forms at play within them. This is as differentiated from mechanical systems. One of the clichés used to describe mechanical systems is, "A chain is only as strong as its weakest link." However, when you apply the same thinking to dynamical systems what you come up with is, "A chain is only as strong as its strongest link." More about this later... Getting back to the MythoSelf-tm process and the "Generative Imprint-tm" Model it is imperative to hold in mind that these are designed around dynamical systems. The "rules" of mechanical organization not only don't work in these systems, sometimes they are turned upside down. An example of this is the development of a teleological premise that is so much a part of the MythoSelf-tm process. Another is the "Generative Imprint-tm" itself. These are both examples of massive forms that organize the whole of the system around themselves, overriding any smaller consideration that arises within the system or imposes on it externally. Instead of the system shifting to reorganize to the perceived stimulus the system reorganizes the perception of the stimulus to accommodate maintaining the massive form held. This seems to be the "natural" process of human response in any case, it is the nature of the forms held that are unique to the MythoSelf-tm process and the "Generative Imprint-tm" Model. In the "Generative Imprint-tm" Model the form is a symbolic iconic representation that is greater than the system itself which the system resolves around regarding its ontological awareness. This in turn generates a pervasive sense of well-being and satisfaction in the system creating the ongoing "Ready State." This is a massive representation through which the system comes to know itself. It is a pre-epistemological position which establishes the epistemology that the system utilizes operationally. Roye proposes that the "Generative Imprint-tm" is present in the system as a potentially before birth, literally swirled into the genetic structure, part of the DNA so to speak. This potentially then organizes to a "Form" that is recognizable to the system in a organized way that is unique to the system and is ever present within it, held in a specific organization of the neurological structure. This is a position of mind organized around a way of being - an ontological position - that is both transpersonal and transcendent. It is possible to recognize this structure in the idiomatic and idiosyncratic forms it generates. In the MythoSelf-tm we refer to this transpersonal and transcendent position as the G.T.S. - Greater Than Self. It is important to note that this is not a religious concept although it might be a spiritual one. I prefer to use the term "sacred" myself, as distinct from "profane." This concept refers to an experience which is beyond the limits of individual awareness, a sense of connection with something that the system is connected with and is a part of yet does not nor can not contain. The G.T.S. is the conduit to that which is beyond the self and yet is the greater part of the Self. It is not religious in the sense that there is no suggestion of any particular way in which this is realized, organized or held. It may be for one person an absolute and direct experience of a G-d or the G-Ds, for another it may the pervasive awareness of Nature, for yet another a sense of connectedness to others to whom they are committed to in some significant way - a spouse, lover, parent, child, friend, in any and all these examples the significant factor is the sense of connection to a system greater than the individual themselves. The awareness of the G.T.S. is held as a particular neurological configuration and generates a trackable trajectory of the attention. This is not a point or location but rather an open trajectory which is often defined by points located on it. The G.T.S. itself has no form, it is formless in the purest sense. Within my learning's about the "Generative Imprint-tm" Model Roye would work simultaneously with both the individual representational forms of the G.D.S. and the "Generative Imprint-tm" as well. This is integral to the structure of the "Generative Imprint-tm" Model, part of it's magic. And it is not unfair to refer to this and describe it as magic. I've seen Roye do truly magical work using this model and since my "apprenticeship" under him I've also learned to do magic using it as well. What Roye has done is he's begun to codify the deepest expression of what it is to 'be' human and in turn lead a person to a direct awareness of how they individually and uniquely hold this to be true to themselves. The MythoSelf-tm process as an application of the "Generative Imprint-tm" Model is a unique way of accessing the experience Self. Using the technology of the "Generative Imprint-tm" Model as described above the participants are lead to an awareness of how they experience and hold their G.D.S., actually developing a deliberate means for accessing this state on their own. Then this is woven into and with the G.T.S. and a corollary mythological representation is elicited in both somatic and semantic forms. This mythological representation is defined both in physiological and linguistic form, and made available in both domains through the forms elicited. A larger expression and manifestation of the mythic form is held in the holographic topological form that the individual generates in the trajectories of their attention. This is a direct representation of the energy within the system and the way it is organized and directed. The holographic topological form is a representation of the information that organizes the system or around which the systems organizes itself. When the holographic topological form shifts the system shifts in direct response. The attunement of the system changes. This shift in the attunement of the system changes the information that organizes the system and around which the system organizes itself. Literally there is different information that the system "is." The way this information that the system "is" is represented in "ordinary" terms is as the personal mythology of the individual. This is the myth that the individual is living. The way they are projecting their attention through time into their own personal "future memory," this is the teleological proposition. In other words this is the future that already exists for the individual and just hasn't happened yet. This future, the teleological proposition, is the attractor for the system. Like this the individual will organize the whole of themselves to making extant the manifestation of the myth they hold themselves to be. This myth is more form than content, more structural than specific. However, one thing to be noted about the mythological premise is that it organizes the experience of the individual in an isomorphically represented manner in relation to the mythic representation held. This is the structural form described by Joseph Campbell as the "Hero's Journey." The MythoSelf-tm process makes available to the participants their own personal representation of the Hero's Journey as description of reality as they know it to be, based on how they know themselves to be - at their best from the excitatory position. This description is both narrative and held outside of language simultaneously. The narrative is only a way of pointing the attention into the holographic topological form in which the mythic representation is held. It weaves the G.D.S. and the G.T.S. together. This position is neither "ordinary" nor "trans" consciousness, rather it is held as a "hyper-consciousness" through which the ordinary and mundane is made extraordinary, woven into the ongoing awareness of the individual as they move through the world exploring their fascination and making manifest their "Bliss." END - Level 100 MythoSelf-tm Morphology *N.B. - I use MythoSelf-TM and Mythogenic Self-TM interchangeably. The "Generative Imprint-TM" Model is a wholly owned trademark of Roye Fraser and NLP America/Blue Dell Systems, it is used with permission. Mytho2000-TM, MythoSelf-TM, Mythogenic Self-TM and Soma-Semantic-TM Modeling are wholly owned trademarks of Joseph Riggio and Applied Behavioral Technologies, Inc. Copyright 2000 Joseph Riggio / Applied Behavioral Technologies, Inc. - may not be used, reproduced or distributed without prior express written permission by any means including mechanical or electronic. | Back | |
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