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The MythoSelf Experience

GenerativeNLP - About us

Generative NLP are a refreshingly plain spoken resource and training centre for the MythoSelf Process that is based in South West London (map) and was founded in 2001 by Charles Moore who is one of only a select few people who have the privilege of being in a close mentoring relationship with the creator of the MythoSelf Process, Dr.Joseph Riggio. 

Our commitment is to:

  • Train individuals and groups in the MythoSelf Process and the two key areas that most influence the MythoSelf Process: 1) Body and movement (Somatics) 2) Joseph Campbell's  "Hero's Journey" 
  • Provide a resource and advisory service to help people understand "what is the MythoSelf Process about" and "what are the benefits of the MythoSelf Process" 
  • Provide a hassle-free booking service for Joseph Riggio trainings around the world, and a store where you can easily purchase any of Joseph's products or teleseminars. 

We believe that our ethos and offerings are a great match for people who are searching for a better life and who strive to be the best they can be. If this is you, then you're also likely to be someone who wants to make the most of your unique abilities and for whom living authentically is important. Your wonderfully adventurous and highly independent nature may however sometimes make it difficult for you to make decisions and commit. In fact, you may have been so restless in your pursuit for finding your calling, and have had such a drive for seeking out new paths, that actually, what you really crave the most is to simply.....come to rest. 


Decide which of our products and services are a best match for you or call and speak to Charles, or Janice, on 020-8974-8974.
Generative NLP train in London and the South West
BOOK NOW +44-(0)20-8974-8974
Resource and Training Centre for the Mythoself Process and The Mythogenic Self Experience