GNLP Newsletter Please leave your email to receive our newsletter. Get our free report "10 Essential Things You Have To Know About Making Decisions" when you subscribe We value your privacy What do you want? | My life feels empty and hollow - Part 230 April 2008 | Admin IntroductionI don't claim to know whether things going right on the outside (e.g. having time for a good cup of tea before leaving the house, having a run of green lights all the way into work, finding that your boss is out of the office for the day ...) is what causes people to have a good day, or whether it comes about as a result of a concerted effort from the individual to enter into a good frame of mind. Perhaps it's both. What I do know though, is that it's possible for a person to influence how they feel by where they put their attention. For instance, if I put my attention on what's working in my life, or on something that I like, or that I know makes me happy, it makes me feel good. Within the model of the MythoSelf Process, this is what we refer to as accessing an excitatory bias, and it's the foundation from which a MythoSelf Facilitator or Trainer works with a client. Why? Because the client's body will be chemically and structurally geared up for learning- they'll be "open" to what's to come. Objective
Exercise Consider this question ... What are you like when you're at your best? To answer this question, you have to go there in your body and in your mind. Allow yourself to enter into this fully ... "What are you like when you're at your best?" Coming up in the next issue I'll be taking you deeper into this question of what you're like when you're at your best, and you'll come to experience how instrumental your body is in dictating how you feel. To go back to Part 1 of this series, click here .